Crash Barriers

FDC utilizes HySecurity crash barriers for all our maximum security installations.  When you need to stop a semi-truck dead in its tracks, a HySecurity StrongArm M30 or M50 gets the job done.  These barricades slice through a truck like a warm knife through butter when approached at high speeds.  These anti-terrorism devices are built to stop large, speeding vehicles from ramming a gate to break in or get away from a sensitive area. These crash barriers have been installed by FDC at ports, Army Depots, Navy Bases and more throughout the Eastern U.S.  They must be installed by trained personnel due to their potentially lethal results.  Speak with an FDC access and security consultant today to find out more about our crash barrier options. Here are a few of the vehicle access barriers available from FDC:

StrongArm M30 Crash Barriers

Firstly, the HySecurity StrongArm M30 is a high cycle, M30 crash tested, fortified barrier system (barricades). This barrier control operator runs with the ultra-reliability of HySecurity’s 30 year proven hydraulics, the flexibility, power, and reliability of HySecurity’s programmable Smart Touch® Controller, and unique functional and safety benefits. Additionally, StrongArm M30 access barriers are available for 12-24 foot clear openings.

StrongArm M50 Crash Barricades

On the other hand, the StrongArm M50 is a high cycle, M50-P2 crash tested, fortified access barriers (barricades). This barrier system runs with the ultra-reliability of HySecurity’s 30 year proven hydraulics, the flexibility, power, and reliability of HySecurity’s programmable Smart Touch® Controller, and unique functional and safety benefits. Integrated hydraulics and controls. Similarly to the M30, the StrongArm M50 barrier system is available to fit 12-24 foot clear openings. * 100 cycles per hour In conclusion, when you need to stop unauthorized vehicles of all sizes from entering your facility, you need a StrongArm crash barrier.  They prevent vehicles of all sizes and maximize the security of your location.  FDC gate system solutions consist of automatic barricades such as the M30 barrier systems and M50 barrier systems, access barriers & barricades, access control systems for access barriers & automatic gates. Certainly we have a solution for you.  Request a quote for an access system from an FDC consultant today!  Serving Florida from offices in Jacksonville, Tampa, Miami / Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando, and Melbourne.  Call Florida Door Control at 321-254-8011 to get a free quote from a barrier system consultant today!